3 Critical Things To Know When Preparing To Inspect Your Septic System
A septic system is among the features that require proper maintenance. Unfortunately, it's hard to maintain it in perfect shape if it's not regularly inspected. As a homeowner, it's good to know that inspecting the system is critical in enhancing your property's value and your family's health. Usually, most septic systems are installed underground, so you may not know if yours is working properly if it's not routinely inspected. But you shouldn't inspect it only when it's not working. Instead, someone should inspect it more often to identify problems and fix them before they worsen. Here are three critical things to know when preparing to inspect the system.
When the Inspection Is Due
A responsible homeowner should know when it's more appropriate to inspect the septic system. You should check for signs indicating that you should schedule an inspection. For instance, it should be inspected once you notice strange odors, mainly around the drains. An expert should inspect it to see if the sinks aren't draining properly or if the toilets are sluggish or have weak flushing. Lush growth could also help you know that the system should be inspected. And if you just remodeled your home, the system should be inspected to ensure it's in good working order.
What the Inspection Entails
Your septic system should be inspected routinely. But what does it involve? It's advisable to answer this question when planning to inspect it. Typically, the process is meant to help you discover problems in good time. It could be intensive or standard, but this mainly depends on its current condition. The standard inspection is not complicated. Usually, the expert inspects various parts of the system to see if they have developed problems. They may also dig test holes to check if there is any problem with the trenches.
Who Should Inspect the System
Inspecting a septic tank involves a lot of things. In fact, it's wrong to assume you can inspect it yourself using the online videos and tutorials. A DIY approach can deteriorate the situation and cause more problems, so you should avoid it. Hiring a professional inspector makes a lot of sense because they have adequate tools and skills. They also know the inspection techniques that will work best for your system. So if you had planned to inspect the system yourself, you should avoid it and instead hire a professional. Leaving the inspection to a professional has more benefits.
Go to a website like wpcomstaging.com to learn more.